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Aska Percy

Speech & Language Pathologist 


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Aska is a speech-language pathologist in Sydney specialising in working with children with complex communication and learning needs.

She is a Certified Practising Member of Speech Pathology Australia and currently owns a private practice in Sydney North Shore, providing in-clinic and mobile speech pathology services.

My belief and experience...

Valuing each child as an individual and fostering their interests and curiosity is at the heart of Beyond Words Speech Pathology in supporting children and families on their journey to autonomous communication. Children with complex communication needs require strengths-based approaches including aided language stimulation, a various child-centred approaches from The Hanen Centre, DIR Floortime, as well as using the comprehensive framework of the SCERTS (Social Communication, Emotional Regulation, Transactional Support) Model, in order to achieve meaningful interactions the world around them. We believe that for children to develop communication skills that are long lasting, therapy needs to be meaningful for the child, enjoyable and naturalistic as it is effective. For young children, our therapy approach incorporates many play-based activities using the practical techniques and strategies from the Learn to Play program in order to promote their cognitive development and communication and language skills. Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) systems including Key Word Sign, low-tech and high-tech visual communication systems including PODD communication books and a range of speech-generating devices may be implemented for children who may require multimodal communication approaches.


At Beyond Words, we believe that children with complex communication needs have unique learning needs and interests, who with the right supports at the right time, can participate in learning, benefit from literacy instruction, and contribute to the school community and their lifelong learning. We provide literacy instructions for children with complex communication needs using the Comprehensive Literacy for All framework.

It is essential that we presume competence by providing meaningful opportunities for communication and learning, and believing that each child deserves real connections with the world around them. 

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